Mostrando 12 a 21, de 27 entrada/s en total:
10 de Mayo, 2009
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El estudio Air Force 2025, es un documento elaborado por el ejército de los Estados Unidos. Lt Gen Jay W. Kelley Commander, Air University Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama Prepared by 2025 Support Office Air University Air Education and Training Command Developed by Air University Press Educational... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
california a las 10:40 · Sin comentarios
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10 de Mayo, 2009
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if (wgNotice != '') document.writeln(wgNotice); Influenza A virus subtype H1N1From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from H1N1) |
publicado por
california a las 10:27 · Sin comentarios
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10 de Mayo, 2009
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Please help us confirm or deny this information. Information has been provided to us by a Natural Solutions Foundation supporter who lives in the region in which she has gathered the information that you can read below. It is highly disturbing, not only because of the contents of the information but because without further data, it is impossible to determine what it means. Considered in light of the very disturbing incident in January 2009 where annual ... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
california a las 09:53 · Sin comentarios
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10 de Mayo, 2009
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Algunas persona empiezan acomprender y eso es muy importante. Agregaría el hecho de que existen otras pandemias más graves: El Temor, El Miedo es la más peligrosa, porque a través de él se subordina a las personas y a los pueblos. Los que lo originan, distraen para lograr sus objetivos ocultos.
Siempre frente a una guerra, una enfermedad, un atentado, más allá de caer en el terror, en el miedo o en la polarización, reflexionemos a quien beneficia y que cosas distraen en ese momento, por que allí... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
california a las 09:48 · Sin comentarios
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29 de Abril, 2009
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WASHINGTON En el último medio siglo, las vacunas se han impuesto como un ritual médico que nadie se atrevía a cuestionar. Gracias a las inmunizaciones masivas, dicen, hemos vencido la batalla a las enfermedades infecciosas... Pero la certeza de entonces, la convicción de que los pinchazos son beneficiosos y que sus riesgos son mínimos, se está empezando a resquebrajar. Las primeras... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
california a las 17:58 · Sin comentarios
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29 de Abril, 2009
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Today is my daughter's sweet 16th birthday but we will not be celebrating. Instead I will light a candle and when I blow it out I will make a wish in my daughter's memory. My wish is for all mother's worldwide, that you will educate yourselves and that you make informed choices so that you may prevent unnecessary tragedy and be spared from my pain. Laura's... Continuar leyendo
publicado por
california a las 17:37 · Sin comentarios
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03 de Abril, 2009
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 Ali Mao Maalin[left], was a cook in Merca, Somalia. In 1977 Ali contracted smallpox,a deadly virus that has claimed millions of lives throughout humanhistory. But Ali's infection was different. According to the WorldHealth Organization, Ali was the last known case of smallpox on planetEarth. Ali's immune system successfully eradicated the last strain ofthis horribly infectious disease on 26th October 1977, forever riddingthe world of this virus... Or did it?Smallpox had ... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
california a las 03:59 · Sin comentarios
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01 de Abril, 2009
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A formal investigation has been launched by French authorities against two managers from drug companies GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur. A second investigation for manslaughter has also been opened against Sanofi Pasteur MSD... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
california a las 04:27 · Sin comentarios
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